Voucher Portal Reporting
The voucher portal allows users to view reports related to the programmes managed by the organisation. Reports can be exported in CSV or JSON format, selectable at the time of export for further analysis.
For large reports the data can be streamed using the streaming functionality.
Voucher Programme Usage
The Voucher Programme Usage Report provides a detailed breakdown of how vouchers within a programme have been used.
Available Filters
- Start Date
- End Date
Available Fields
- Voucher Programme ID
- Voucher Programme Name
- Created Date
- Total Vouchers
- Total Value
- Used Vouchers
- Used Value
- Partially Used Vouchers
- Unused Vouchers
- Unused Value
- Merchant Category Code Allowed List
- Merchant ID Allowed List
Merchant Redemption
The Merchant Redemption Report provides a detailed breakdown of where vouchers were redeemed and their associated values.
Available Filters
- Start Date
- End Date
- Merchant ID
- Merchant Category
Available Fields
- Merchant ID
- Merchant Category
- Merchant Name
- Voucher Programme ID
- Voucher Programme Name
- Used Vouchers
- Used Value
Updated 5 days ago