Loan Use Cases
Loan management is a critical component of the financial industry, enabling lending institutions to effectively and efficiently offer loans to individuals and businesses. Managing loans involves a range of processes, from origination to repayment, and it plays a vital role in the economic well-being of borrowers and lenders.
Kenya Loan Providers
DTB Weza Loan
As of now, we support limited integrations such as DTBWezaLoan, DTBWezaLoanOptIn, DTBWezaLoanOptOut, and Repayment in
- A customer bearer token
- Following properties:
Tenant Level:
Global Level:,DTBLOAN,https://kong.lan:8443/lms,^/dtb-loan, , ,0,0, ,/dtb-loan
Step1 - Verify customer subscription and assess current loan status.
POST /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/DTBWezaLoan
Request Body: {"customerId":"54"}
Step-2 Customer Subscription
Verify if the customer is subscribed. If not, initiate the subscription process. You can verify the customer's subscription status in Step 1.
POST /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/DTBWezaLoanOptIn
Request Body: {"customerId":"54","walletId":"2007","nominatedBranch":"052","branch":"052","customerType":"new"}
Step-3 Check Loan Catalog
Retrieve loan products from the loan catalog.
GET /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/loans/catalogs?catalogQuery=878d2d59-831f-46e0-ac04-1474a94b2ebe_1234567890
Note: catalogQuery={dtb_externalid}_{mobilenumber}, You can get the dtb_external_id(externalUniqueId) using the following end point of eclipse
GET /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/customers/{customerId}
Step-4 Loan Application
Apply for a loan using the following endpoint.
POST /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/customers/{customerId}/loans
Body: {"additionalFields":[{"id":"productId","value":"89"}],"amount":10,"provider":"DTB_LOAN","walletId":2007}
Step-5 Check Loan Application Status
Verify the status of the loan application as described in Step 1.
Step-6 Loan Amount Credited in the Account
The loan amount will be credited to the account manually.
Step-7 Loan Repayment
Repay the loan using the following endpoint.
POST /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/customers/{customerId}/payments
Body: {"additionalFields":[{"id":"accountNumber","value":"LN324959662033"},{"id":"nominatedBranch","value":"052"},{"id":"nominatedAcc","value":"5356475001"}],"amount":10,"currency":"ZAR","externalUniqueId":"4262342","type":"DTB_LOAN","walletId":2007}
Step-8 Loan Paid Out
Confirm that the loan has been paid out, which can be verified in Step 1.
Step-9 Unsubscribe the Customer
If the loan is fully paid out, you can proceed to unsubscribe the customer using the following endpoint.
POST eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/integrations/DTBWezaLoanOptOut
Body: {"customerId":"54"}
Updated 6 months ago