Application Error Codes

Any HTTP response with a status code of 400 or greater will contain an array of one or more errors that cause the request to fail.

    "code": "USR007",
    "description": "Incorrect code",
    "severity": "LOW",
    "type": "BUSINESS",
    “traceId”: “hchuewhuiehdiwhei”

Error codes are of the format AAANNN where AAA is a code in A-Z describing the error category and NNN is a numeric providing a more specific error within the category.

The following table contains the descriptions of the possible error codes that may be returned

ARCH086Entity Not Found. Typically accompanied with an http status code 404. Indicates that the resource being referred to could not be found.
RLT001The request is rejected due to a Rate Limit being hit. Try again later when the next rate limit window opens
DAE001A Web Application Exception was reported from a downstream integration below Eclipse. The exact reason is not known but the description may contain more details
UNK001An Unknown error has occurred. The exact reason is not known but the description may contain more details
NUR001Something during request processing expected a single result for something but instead got more than one
PNF001A configuration property is missing. The property is required to process the request. Contact Eclipse support to understand what configuration is needed.
VAL001A data constraint violation has occurred.
JPE001An error occurred parsing the JSON provided in the request
SEC001A security exception has occurred. The request does not have the required rights/access to do what it is trying to do or authentication data is invalid
NFE001A parameter provided in the request is invalid in the context of the request. The description will explain what parameter is invalid. This is alerted to the Eclipse operations team automatically.
IAE002A parameter provided in the request is invalid in the context of the request. The description will explain what parameter is invalid. These are typically from fields provided by the end user and are not alerted to the Eclipse operations team.
ISE001The request could not be processed as something is not in a state that allows the changes that are being requested.
OLE001An optimistic lock exception has occurred. Typically caused by a request to update something which has been updated by another request since the data was last read.
SQL001An error was reported by a database trying to persist the data of the request
IOE001An I/O Exception occurred either accessing data over the network or a file system
WAL001The request could not be processed as a wallet involved in the request did not have sufficient balance to allow the transfer/charge.
USR010Incorrect challenge response
USR004Password is too weak
USR006Password change code is incorrect
USR011Too many authentication requests. Reuse bearer tokens until they expire. Do not get a new token for every API call.

The limit is 40 successful authentication requests per hour for user identity.
USR015Incorrect device fingerprint - device fingerprint is required for login but the one provided does not match what is on record. One must do a login with OTP to use the new device fingerprint.
USR016Invalid device fingerprint - Device fingerprint is required but was not provided.
USR072User already exists with that national identity number
PAY002Invalid data in a payment request caused the payment to fail
PAY005An unknown error prevented the payment from being processed within Eclipse
UOE001An unsupported operation has been attempted. E.g. trying to do something on a gateway that does not support that functionality.
LIM001The transaction is denied as it would exceed maxCreditsPerDay. Description would be along the lines of “Total daily credits to wallet would be exceeded. Max allowed is XXX and this transaction would make the total YYY for today”
LIM002The transaction is denied as it would exceed maxCreditsPerMonth. Description would be along the lines of “Total monthly credits to wallet would be exceeded. Max allowed is XXX and this transaction would make the total YYY for this month”
LIM003The transaction is denied as it would exceed maxDebitsPerDay. Description would be along the lines of “Total daily debits to wallet would be exceeded. Max allowed is XXX and this transaction would make the total YYY for today”
LIM004The transaction is denied as it would exceed maxDebitsPerMonth. Description would be along the lines of “Total monthly debits to wallet would be exceeded. Max allowed is XXX and this transaction would make the total YYY for this month”
LIM005Per transaction debit to wallet would be exceeded (see maxDebitPerTransaction on wallet type)
LIM006Per transaction credit to wallet would be exceeded (see maxCreditPerTransaction on wallet type)
LIM007Per days debits/credits credit on wallet would be exceeded (see maxTransactionTotalPerDay on wallet type)
LIM008Total daily credits to organisation would be exceeded (see maxCreditsPerDayForOrg on wallet type)
LIM009Total balance across users wallets would be exceeded (see maxTotalCurrentBalanceForUser on wallet type)
LIM010Total monthly credits to user would be exceeded (see maxCreditsPerDayForUser on wallet type)
LIM011Total monthly credits to organisation would be exceeded (see maxCreditsPerMonthForOrg on wallet type)
LIM012Total monthly debits from organisation would be exceeded (see maxDebitsPerMonthForOrg on wallet type)
LIM013Total daily debits from user would be exceeded (see maxDebitsPerDayForUser on wallet type)
LIM014Total daily debits from organisation would be exceeded (see maxDebitsPerDayForOrg on wallet type)
LIM015Total monthly debits from user would be exceeded (see maxDebitsPerMonthForUser on wallet type)
LIM016Total daily credits to user would be exceeded (see maxCreditsPerDayForUser on wallet type)
LIM017Total daily transactions to and from user would be exceeded (see maxTransactionTotalPerDayForUser on wallet type)
LIM018Total daily transactions to and from organisation would be exceeded (see maxTransactionTotalPerDayForOrg on wallet type)
LIM019Total balance across organisation wallets would be exceeded (see maxTotalCurrentBalanceForOrganisation on wallet type)
PAY006 Unknown external wallet type
ARCH014JWT has expired
ARCH010JWT is not renewable