Tenant Config Reference
The following list defines all configurations that can be applied to a tenant:
Config Name | Description |
institutionName | Used for tenants that need card issuing. This is the name of the sponsor bank and associated config that should be used for card issuing. It determines the various certificates and configs used when calling PTS. |
acceptorTerminalId | PTS configuration. Will be set up by back-office support for the tenant |
acquirerCountryCode | The ISO country code of the tenant |
acquiringInstitutionCode | PTS configuration. Will be set up by back-office support for the tenant |
pointServiceCodes | PTS configuration. Will be set up by back-office support for the tenant |
posEntryMode | PTS configuration. Will be set up by back-office support for the tenant |
posPinCaptureCode | PTS configuration. Will be set up by back-office support for the tenant |
mcc | PTS configuration. Will be set up by back-office support for the tenant |
halo.jwt.issuer | The JWT issuer to set in tokens generated for the Halo tap on glass SDK |
halo.jwt.subject | The JWT subject to set in tokens generated for the Halo tap on glass SDK |
halo.jwt.audience | The backend server that will receive Halo JWT’s |
halo.jwt.aud_fingerprints | Certificate fingerprints for Halo |
halo.jwt.kskPin | PIN for Halo EG. sha256/1Zna4T6PKcJ3Kq/dbVylb8n62j/AdQYUzWrj/4sk5Q8= |
togIntentUrlTemplate | URL shared as completionURL in create Payment API for initiating EPS EG. eclipse://payment.service/tap?paymentId={{data.payment.paymentId}}&eclipseJwt={{data.eclipseJwt}} |
togType | [ Halo | VAC ] -- this setting indicates which implementation of SoftPos is used for the tenant. |
vac.mpos.acquiringGateway | The flavor of acquiring gateway used. For example 'masterpass'. |
vac.mpos.acquirer | Name of the acquirer used through the gateway, For example, 'nedbank, absa, sbsa, capitec, fnb, iveri, etc'. |
vac.mpos.acquirerMerchantId | The merchant ID provided by the acquiring bank. |
vac.mpos.acquirerTerminalId | The terminal ID provided by the acquiring bank. |
mobile.app.visa.vac.sdk.setup | Configuration for the mobile device (SDK). This includes url endpoints to communicate with Visa, device keys and signatures. |
masterpass.config.apiUser | The API username to use when generating and looking up QRCodes on masterpass |
masterpass.config.apiPassword | The API password to use when generating and looking up QRCodes on masterpass |
masterpass.config.aesKey | The AES encryption key to decrypt incoming payment notifications from Masterpass |
impersonationAllowedAlways | A list of positions (E.g. TENANT_SYSTEM, LEVEL_1 etc.) that can impersonate any identity within the tenant. The identity being impersonated may have wallets and an OTP is not required to impersonate. |
impersonationAllowedWithOtp | A list of positions (E.g. TENANT_SYSTEM, LEVEL_1 etc.) that can impersonate any identity within the tenant. The identity being impersonated may have wallets but a valid OTP for the identity is required to impersonate. |
impersonationAllowedWhenNoWallets | A list of positions (E.g. TENANT_SYSTEM, LEVEL_1 etc.) that can impersonate any identity within the tenant so long as it has no associated wallets. The identity being impersonated may not have wallets and an OTP is not required to impersonate. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.ZA_PAYCORP_ATM.ATM | The fee to charge a wallet withdrawing from a Paycorp ATM. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. E.g. 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a percent of the amount and 2A,1P would mean R2 plus 1 percent. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.ZA_PNP.CASH | The fee to charge a wallet withdrawing from PnP. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. E.g. 2.5A would mean R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount and 2A,1P would mean R2 plus 1 percent. The fee is charged when the withdrawal is made. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.ZA_PNP.TENDER | The fee to charge a wallet paying for goods at PnP using a TENDER token. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. E.g. 2.5A would mean R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a percent of the amount and 2A,1P would mean R2 plus 1 per cent. The fee is charged when the payment for goods is made. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_PNP_DEPOSIT | The fee to charge the receiving wallet when it is credited by a deposit done at PnP. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.GLOBAL_BANK.EFT.SERVER.ZA_Nedbank | The fee to charge a wallet receiving an EFT from Nedbank. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. The fee is charged to the recipient's wallet as and when the payment is credited to that same wallet. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.GLOBAL_BANK.ATM.SERVER.ZA_Nedbank | The fee to charge a wallet receiving an ATM deposit is done at a Nedbank ATM. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. The fee is charged to the destination wallet as and when the credit is processed on that same wallet. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.GLOBAL_PAYMENT_LINK.LINK.CLIENT | The fee to charge a wallet for creating a payment link. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.GLOBAL_WALLET.WALLET | The fee to charge for making a payment with an Eclipse wallet. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g. 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER | The fee to charge the receiving wallet when it is credited by a payment coming in through Masterpass (could also be a top-up). The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. E.g. 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER.CREDIT | The fee to charge the receiving wallet when it is credited by a payment coming in through Masterpass when a Credit card type is used (could also be a top-up). The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 per cent rounded up to 2 decimal places. NOTE: The config "cardtype.based.fees.enabled=true" must be set in the tenant configs else the fee amount set for the "fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER" will be considered. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER.DEBIT | The fee to charge the receiving wallet when it is credited by a payment coming in through Masterpass when a Debit card type is used (could also be a top-up). The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 per cent rounded up to 2 decimal places. NOTE: The config "cardtype.based.fees.enabled=true" must be set in the tenant configs else the fee amount set for the "fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER" will be considered. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER.CHEQUE | The fee to charge the receiving wallet when it is credited by a payment coming in through Masterpass when a Cheque card type is used (could also be a top-up). The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 per cent rounded up to 2 decimal places. NOTE: The config "cardtype.based.fees.enabled=true" must be set in the tenant configs else the fee amount set for the "fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER" will be considered. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.ZA_NEDBANK_EFT.EFT | The fee to charge a wallet to EFT funds out via Nedbank CPS. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.ZA_NEDBANK_EFT_IMMEDIATE.EFT | The fee to charge a wallet to EFT funds out via Nedbank CPS for immediate EFT. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_HALO.CARD.SERVER | The fee to charge the receiving wallet when it is credited by a payment coming in through HALO tap on glass. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. E.g. 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.GLOBAL_VALR.EFT | The fees to charge a wallet for withdrawal. The fees will be charged in wallet currency. I.e if the wallet currency is BTC then the fees will be debited in BTC currency. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.KE_DTB_PESALINK.EFT.NORMAL | The fees to charge a wallet for withdrawal. The fees will be charged in wallet currency. I.e if the wallet currency is KES then the fees will be debited in KES currency. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.KE_DTB_MPESA.EFT.NORMAL | The fees to charge a wallet for withdrawal. The fees will be charged in wallet currency. I.e if the wallet currency is KES then the fees will be debited in KES currency. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Wdr.KE_DTB_EFT.EFT.NORMAL | The fees to charge a wallet for withdrawal. The fees will be charged in wallet currency. I.e if the wallet currency is KES then the fees will be debited in KES currency. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.KE_DTB_STK_PUSH.NORMAL | The fees to charge a wallet for receiving an STK Push payment. The fees will be charged in wallet currency. I.e if the wallet currency is KES then the fees will be debited in KES currency. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.GLOBAL_DEFERRED.WALLET | The fee to charge a wallet for VAS purchases. The fee can be percentage-based (P) or absolute (A) or a combination. For E.g., 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. E.g. 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 percent rounded up to 2 decimal places. |
fees.amount.config.Pay.ZA_QRCODE | The fee to charge a wallet making a QR code payment from a Lodge Card ATM. The fee can be percentage-based (P), absolute (A), or a combination. E.g. 2.5A would mean an R2.50 fee while 0.5P would mean half a per cent of the amount and 2A,1P would mean R2 plus 1 per cent. Fees can also be rounded UP, DOWN or Bankers Round (round half-even). To specify rounding, add| where Mode is D for down, U for up and B for Bankers. For example, 2A,0.3P|2U would mean 2 + 0.3 per cent, rounded to 2 decimal places. |
source.wallet.config.ZA_SCANTOPAY_DMS.CARD.CLIENT | Wallet ID for the source of funds - will be debited when payments are finalised using ZA_COMPLETE_AUTH |
withdrawals.limits.grouping | What to group by when calculating the monthly and daily withdrawal limits. Can be userId (Default. calculated based on the userId that owns the wallet doing the withdrawal) or deliverToPhone (calculated based on the phone number the withdrawal is being done for) |
withdrawal.limits.monthly | The maximum amount allowed to withdraw across any withdrawal mechanism since the start of the calendar month. |
withdrawal.limits.daily | The maximum amount allowed to withdraw across any withdrawal mechanism since the start of the UTC day. |
withdrawal.limits.daily.ZA_PNP.CASH | The maximum amount allowed to withdraw using the specific transaction type since the start of the UTC day. |
withdrawal.limits.daily.ZA_NEDBANK_EFT.EFT | The maximum amount allowed to withdraw using the specific transaction type since the start of the UTC day. |
withdrawal.limits.daily.ZA_NEDBANK_EFT_IMMEDIATE.EFT | The maximum amount allowed to withdraw using the specific transaction type since the start of the UTC day. |
source.wallet.config.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER | Wallet to debit when a Masterpass payment is received |
source.wallet.config.GLOBAL_BANK.EFT.SERVER.ZA_Nedbank | Wallet to debit when a Nedbank EFT is received |
source.wallet.config.ZA_PEACH_CARD | Wallet to debit when a Peach top-up is done |
source.wallet.config.ZA_PNP_DEPOSIT | Wallet to debit when a PNP cash deposit is done |
source.wallet.config.ZA_HALO.CARD.SERVER | Wallet to debit when a HALO tap on glass payment is received |
source.wallet.config.KE_DTB_STK_PUSH | Wallet to debit when a KE_DTB_STK_PUSH payment is received |
destination.wallet.config.ZA_NEDBANK_EFT.EFT | Wallet to credit when Nedbank EFT withdrawal is done |
destination.wallet.config.ZA_NEDBANK_EFT_IMMEDIATE.EFT | Wallet to credit when Nedbank's immediate EFT withdrawal is done |
destination.wallet.config.ZA_PAYCORP_ATM.ATM | Wallet to credit when a Paycorp withdrawal is done |
destination.wallet.config.ZA_PNP.CASH | Wallet to credit when a PNP withdrawal is done |
destination.wallet.config.ZA_PNP.TENDER | Wallet to credit when a PNP payment for goods is done |
destination.wallet.config.VAS.X | Where X is the provider ID of the VAS integration |
destination.wallet.config.GLOBAL_VALR.EFT | Wallet to credit when a GLOBAL_BTC withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.ZA_PNP.CASH | Wallet to credit with fees when a PNP withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.ZA_PNP.TENDER | Wallet to credit with fees when a PNP token is used to pay for goods |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.ZA_PAYCORP_ATM.ATM | Wallet to credit with fees when a Paycorp withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Pay.GLOBAL_BANK.EFT.SERVER.ZA_Nedbank | Wallet to credit with fees when a Nedbank EFT deposit is done |
fees.wallet.config.Pay.ZA_HALO.CARD.SERVER | Wallet to credit with fees when a HALO tap on glass payment is done |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.ZA_NEDBANK_EFT_IMMEDIATE.EFT | Wallet to credit with fees when a NEDBANK EFT Immediate withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.ZA_NEDBANK_EFT.EFT | Wallet to credit with fees when a NEDBANK EFT withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.GLOBAL_VALR.EFT | Wallet to credit with fees when GLOBAL BTC withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Pay.KE_DTB_STK_PUSH | Wallet to credit with fees when KE_DTB_STK_PUSH payment is received |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.KE_DTB_PESALINK.EFT.NORMAL | Wallet to credit with fees when KE_DTB_PESALINK withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.KE_DTB_MPESA.EFT.NORMAL | Wallet to credit with fees when KE_DTB_MPESA withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Wdr.KE_DTB_EFT.EFT.NORMAL | Wallet to credit with fees when KE_DTB_EFT withdrawal is done |
fees.wallet.config.Pay.GLOBAL_DEFERRED.WALLET | Wallet to credit with fees when a VAS purchase is done |
fees.wallet.config.Pay.ZA_QRCODE | Wallet to credit when a Merchant’s QR code amount due is paid for using a lodge card. |
HMACOutboundSignatureKey | Secret key to use for generating HMAC signatures on webhooks. If not provided then signatures wont be added on WebHooks |
HMACInboundSignatureKey | Secret key to use for generating HMAC signatures on calls into Eclipse. If not provided then Eclipse will not verify message integrity |
HMACInboundSignaturePositions | Secret key to use for generating HMAC signatures on calls into Eclipse. If not provided then Eclipse will not verify message integrity |
HMACInboundSignaturePositions | Comma-delimited list of tenant admin user positions that will be required to have an HMAC signature header if HMACInboundSignatureKey is set |
xTenantOutboundWalletId | The outbound wallet ID of a system wallet through which all transfers from the tenant to another tenant will flow |
xTenantInboundWalletId | The destination wallet ID of a system wallet through which all transfers from the tenant to another tenant will flow |
nedbank.cps.config.clientProfile | Profile identifier for withdrawals when using ZA_NEDBANK_EFT or ZA_NEDBANK_EFT_IMMEDIATE. Provided by Nedbank |
nedbank.cps.config.nominatedAccount | Debit account for withdrawals when using ZA_NEDBANK_EFT or ZA_NEDBANK_EFT_IMMEDIATE. |
nedbank.cps.config.chargesAccount | Charges account for withdrawals when using ZA_NEDBANK_EFT or ZA_NEDBANK_EFT_IMMEDIATE. |
nedbank.cps.config.environment | Environment (P) Production |
nedbank.cps.config.clientIdentifier | Client identifier for withdrawals when using ZA_NEDBANK_EFT or ZA_NEDBANK_EFT_IMMEDIATE. Provided by Nedbank |
mobilerecharge.providers | VAS property: We can define the different VAS providers by comma separated. |
initialOCRChecks | Kyc/kyb property: Define the list of initial OCR checks that must be passed before doing further compliance checks. If the value of this property is not set or empty then Eclipse will do the compliance checks even if the initial OCR checks are failed. We can define the value of this property as comma-separated. We can use “|” for or condition(Please see the example value). In case you want to ignore any specific OCR Check then the user needs to add this tenant property ignoreInitialOCRCheck.{documentType}={ocrCheckFieldToIgnore} as per ECC-5344. For new ratify method, use KycComplianceRunAfter or KybComplianceRunAfter properties instead of initialOCRChecks. |
syncCreditBureauName | KYC/KYB property: If this property is not empty then Eclipse will do credit bureau checks. We can define a list of credit bureau checks by comma separated. |
complianceRiskAgencies | KYC/KYB property: If this property is not empty then Eclipse will do the sanction list compliance checks. We can define the sanction list agencies by a comma-separated i.e. OFAC,UN,MATCH,IPRS |
allowSelfieCheckWithNationalDatabase | KYC property. Used to check “selfieMatchesNationalDatabase”. If the value of this property is true then it will compare the selfie provided with the Photo ID that the national database(i.e. secured citizen ) has on record. This property is dependent on the value of the “syncCreditBureauName” property. If the value of syncCreditBureauName is not empty and allowSelfieCheckWithNationalDatabase=true then it will compare else not. |
valrApiKey | API Key to use to call VALR APIs - obtained from Ukheshe |
valrApiSecret | API secret for the API key to call VALR API’s |
valrSubAccountId | Subaccount ID on VALR to use for the tenant |
reserveIncomingPayments | Whether or not all incoming CARD payments to a wallet should be reserved until the inter-bank settlement has taken place and the amount has landed in the pool account. Defaults to false |
reserveIncomingPayments.ZA_OZOW.EFT | Whether or not all incoming OZOW payments to a wallet should be reserved until the inter-bank settlement has taken place and the amount has landed in the pool account. Defaults to false |
reserveIncomingPayments.ZA_MASTERPASS_IN.CARD.SERVER | If reserveIncomingPayments is false, then if this is true, then Masterpass incoming payments are reserved until the inter-bank settlement has taken place and the amount has landed in the pool account. Defaults to false |
reserveIncomingPayments.ZA_HALO.CARD.SERVER | If reserveIncomingPayments is false, then if this is true, then Halo tap on glass incoming payments are reserved until the inter-bank settlement has taken place and the amount has landed in the pool account. Defaults to false |
closedLoopCardOnFileUserId | If a payment is being made to a Masterpass QRCode, then it can be paid for by a closed-loop digital wallet, but the merchant needs to be settled on card rails. To settle the merchant, Eclipse can use a card on file. To know what cards can be used, Eclipse will use the property closedLoopCardOnFileUserId and randomly pick one of the cards on file under that user ID. I.e. this is a special customer that has the cards on file. |
.pin | A regular expression that if it matches a tenant config parameter name, will allow that parameter to be updated by any user in the tenant with the TENANT_SYSTEM role. |
paycorpReserveOnCreate | Whether to reserve the withdrawal amount when a paycorp (CashXPress) withdrawal token is created on a wallet. Defaults to false which means the amount can be spent but then if the withdrawal is attempted at the ATM it could fail with insufficient funds. |
paycorp.token.valid.days | The number of days that a paycorp withdrawal token is valid for. If paycorpReserveOnCreate is true then after this many days the reserved amount will become available again for spending. Defaults to 30 |
smsProviderClass | A sms implementation to use for sending SMSs to the tenant |
smsRoutingConfig | An alternative/addition to setting a smsProviderClass is to use smsRoutingConfig which takes the form of a comma-delimited list of routing preferences based on the destination phone number. The format is =provider. |
bankTenantId | The unique numeric identifier for the tenant is defined by the bank. Only needed for DTB for generating account numbers for wallets. |
accountNumberPrefix | Prefix to use when generating account numbers for wallets. Only needed for DTB. |
showCardDebitsAsNegative | When getting the transactions on a card, make the debit amount negative like on digital wallets. Defaults to false but recommended to be true for consistency. |
timezone | The timezone of the tenant's customers so that things like limit cycles can be based on the calendar of the customers and not UTC. (e.g. start of day, start of month etc.). Defaults to UTC |
allowDuplicateIdPassport | Prevents a customer from being created if another customer already exists with the same passport number in the field passportNumber or the same ID number in the field nationalIdentityNumber Default: false |
allowDuplicatePhone1 | Prevents a customer from being created if another customer already exists with the same phone number in the field phonenumber1 Default: true |
allowDuplicateEmail1 | Prevents a customer from being created if another customer already exists with the same email address in the field email Default: true |
receiveOnlyWalletTypeId | Wallets that can configured as receive only and can be converted once an event has occurred (e.g. KYC is complete). This is the Wallet Type ID that has been configured as receive-only |
normalWalletTypeId | Wallets that can configured as receive only and can be converted once an event has occurred (e.g. KYC is complete). This is the Wallet Type ID that the receive-only wallet should be converted to once KYC has been completed. Note: A walletListenerClass must be implemented for this conversion |
user.service.otp.length | Length of OTP to send out for change password verifications and phone number verifications. Defaults to 6 |
webhookAuthorizationHeader | Authorization HTTP header to add on any webhooks or callbacks to the tenant |
skip.ratify.deprecated.results | Only show New KYC/KYB attributes Default: true |
enrich.payment.result.enabled=true | To enable vas purchase through card |
JwtRenewAllowedMinutes | The time in minutes after which an expired JWT can still be refreshed. If not set then the default is 30 days or 43200 minutes |
identityMinLength | A ratify attribute is to be set when an identity number is less than 7. The default is set to 7 in Eclipse. If a user enters an ID number which is less than 7 and this attribute is not set then they will fail the ratify check 'identityNumberMatchesNationalIdentity' |
maxWrongSecurityQuestionTries | The maximum number of wrong attempts a person is allowed when entering answers to security questions before being blocked until the next window opens. Window size is determined by maxWrongSecurityQuestionWindowMinutes |
maxWrongSecurityQuestionWindowMinutes | Duration of the window in which wrong attempts are counted |
passwordRotationDays | The default number of days after which any identities on the tenant must change their password. Defaults to 0 which means the password change policy is not enforced |
require.number.security.questions | Any number of questions must be answered by the user to continue. for example 2 |
heuristicCardTransactionHistory | When using PTS for card processing the returned identifiers in the PTS transaction statement do not match to the original transaction. This means enriching transactions with additional Eclipse information can not be done based on transaction identifiers. Setting this parameter to true allows Eclipse to do the heuristic matching to enrich transactions returned in a PTS wallet statement. This should be set to true for all tenants with PTS card programmes and should be set in conjunction with tenant config: showCardDebitsAsNegative Default: false |
showCardDebitsAsNegative | When using PTS for card processing the debit transactions are returned as positive values. This can be confusing in that typically all Eclipse debit transactions are shown as negative values. This means enriching transactions with additional Eclipse information can not be done as the transaction values are different. Setting this parameter to true allows Eclipse to enrich transactions returned in a PTS transaction statement. This should be set to true for all tenants with PTS card programmes and should be set in conjunction with tenant config: heuristicCardTransactionHistory Default: false |
otp.webhook.url | Tenants need to add the below config in tenant property if they want to enable SIM verification at the time of login and password change. Default Value - 'https://dtb-dbp-java-ft-dtbil-service.ukheshe.rocks/dtbdbp-conductor/rest/v1/customers/{customerId}/verifications/{msisdn}' |
msisdn.validation.auth.header | It will be a header value for calling the above API for otp.webhook.url |
BulkTransferResultCopyEmail | "Any email id in CC" |
masterpass.config.vas.apiUser.{Vas Provider Id} | The masterpass.config.vas configuration is utilized in the Update Payment API of Eclipse. This configuration comes into play when making payments through Masterpass value: Marchant Id |
masterpass.config.vas.apiPassword.{Vas Provider Id} | Merchant Password |
masterpass.config.vas.aesKey.{Vas Provider Id}} | Merchant AES Key |
public.tenant.{tenantId} | Merchant Name into the Card UI and Payment Link value:merchantName |
userIdsDoNotRequireGCaptcha | This is a tenant property that can be a comma-delimited list of user IDs that do not need GCaptcha e.g. userIdsDoNotRequireGCaptcha=20,30 would mean user IDs 20 and 30 would be exempt. |
balanceWarningAmount | The property & value are set against a wallet type or specific wallet where a balance warning alert report will be generated & triggered if the wallet funds are depleted below the set amount |
balanceWarningAlertEmailAddresses | The property & value are set against a wallet type or specific wallet to specify which email addresses will receive the balance warning email alert report |
onlyOneCustomerSessionAllowed | When a customer logs in all other sessions for this customer are invalidated so they can only be logged in once at any time. |
singleUsePasswordLength | When performing an identity reset and creating a random single-use password, the password will be this length. Defaults to 8 |
singleUsePasswordOnlyNumeric | When performing an identity reset and creating a random single-use password, the password will only be numeric if set to true. Default is false. |
async.ratify.items | This config will be used to specify comma-separated ratify items that need to be run in the background. e.g. async.ratify.items=secureCitizenCheck,pepCheck |
enable.lock.at.failed.password.change | This config enables the identity lock feature where tenants can temporarily lock an identity under certain conditions. For more details see Temporarily locking an identity. |
lock.at.failed.password.change.attempt.no | If identity lock is enabled this is the number of identity change events that will trigger that the identity be locked. |
lock.at.failed.password.change.minutes | If identity lock is enabled this is the number of minutes the identity will be locked for. |
consolidatedCallbacks | If set to a specific URL, then if any unsolicited deposits/payments are completed (e.g. an EFT payment is done into a wallet, or a QR code is paid into a wallet), the completed transaction object is posted to that URL. For more details see Consolidated Callbacks for Unsolicited Payments. |
landingURL | Where the customers iFrame/Browser should be navigated to after the payment has completed. This is the tenant Default value, used if landingURL is set on the Payment |
pnp.config.MaxDepositsDaily | Max Amount that can be deposited at PnP. Default is R50 000 |
pnpDescription | Description displayed as part of the captive payments portal when PnP payment Method is selected EG. Please give {currency} {amount} to a Pick n Pay Teller along with reference no {token}. The amount will immediately reflect in your wallet. eftDescription=1) Find a Nedbank ATM \n 2) Select to make a deposit \n 3) Enter account number 1196782040 \n 4) Use {refNumber} as your reference number. |
kyc.verification.enabled | If the value is set as true, this will enable the KYC Verification feature on the tenant that can be used by admins for verifying all ratify applications in the tenant. |
ratifyUserChecksAlwaysPass | List of comma-separated KYC checks that will be marked as passed when the POST ratify API is called. |
ratifyOrganisationChecksAlwaysPass | List of comma-separated KYB checks that will be marked as passed when the POST ratify API is called. |
driversLicence.dob.date.formats | Valid date formats for driver's Licence document |
checkRatificationOnWalletStatusUpdateToActive | When updating the wallet status from BARRED to ACTIVE, if this property is set to true at the tenant level, Eclipse will initiate the ratification process for the user. The wallet status will change to Active only after the successful completion of the ratification. However, it's important to note that the user must have the necessary permissions to update wallets. |
postAuthenticationLogic | Specifies a javassist property that runs before login is allowed, if an exception is thrown login is not permitted. e.g. postAuthenticationLogic=termsandconditionswill execute Javassist in property: post.authentication.logic.termsandconditions. For full details refer to Post Authentication Logic. |
comparisonDocumentRequiredForPasswordChange | If this value is set to true, then supporting documentation is required to change a password. Related to tenant config: supportedComparisonDocuments. For full details refer to Comparison documents for password reset. |
supportedComparisonDocuments | Comma separated list of documents that can be used as supported documents for password change. Supported values: FACIAL_PHOTO, NATIONAL_IDENTITY, PASSPORT and ASYLUM_PAPERS. Defaults to FACIAL_PHOTO. For full details refer to Comparison documents for password reset. |
attempt.onestep.payment.completion.enabled | Which is tenant level and also at the global Level. If this Property is true, Payment will succeed in One Post Call API for GLOBAL_VAS Note: If the above Property is true and your Payment is still in Pending or Building State then Some error Happens in Update Payment. Then Need to call Put API to update Payment. |
acquiring.s2pdms.acquirer | Identified the Acquiring bank when using Payment Type ZA_PRE_AUTH and ZA_COMPLETE_AUTH set to 'debug' for simulating a call to the Acquiring Bank set to 'nedbank' when the acquiring bank is Nedbank and the calls must go to the Nedbank Node |
googlePayAllowedAuthMethods | PAN_ONLY,CRYPTOGRAM_3DS |
googlePayAllowedCardNetworks | AMEX,MASTERCARD,VISA |
googlePayMerchantGatewayId | tenant-1 |
googlePayCountryCode | ZA |
poolAccountNumber | The underlying bank account number of the tenants pool account. Used to match incoming deposits to the correct tenant. |
googlePayMerchantId | testId |
The following config values do not sit within the tenant configuration but do impact the tenant:
Config Name | Description | Example |
mustache.sms.withdrawal.. E.g. mustache.sms.withdrawal.ZA_PAYCORP_ATM.10 | Mustache template for sending an SMS to the deliverToPhone number when the withdrawal is created. If not configured, no SMS is sen | Your withdrawal token is 12345 |
isIProovEnable | To check selfie by CSN IProov | true |
The following list defines all configurations that can be applied to a tenant for Postilion:
Config Name | Description |
postilionServiceName | Indicates which Service should be used for the connection with Postilion |
cardManagementSystem | Indicates which card management system is being used e.g., Postilion |
isPostilionCardManagementSystem | Indicates whether Postilion card management is being used over PTS |
hsmServiceName | Specifies the HSM service to be used |
postilionDebitAuthExpiryInSeconds | Specifies in seconds when Card authorization will expire |
allowInternationalTransactions | Whether or not all international transactions should be allowed or not. Defaults to false |
issuingCountryCode | The issuing country code of the cards |
preAuthReversalAllowed | Whether or not all Pre-Auth reversal should be allowed or not. Defaults to true |
ignorePACTransactions | Whether or not all Purchase/Auth Completion transactions (POS, e-Com) should be allowed or not. Defaults to false |
source.wallet.config.postilion.ref | Wallet to debit when a Refund is triggered |
destination.wallet.config.postilion.pur | Wallet to credit when a Card Purchase is made |
destination.wallet.config.postilion.cwd | Wallet to credit when a Card ATM Cash Withdrawal is made |
destination.wallet.config.postilion.pra | Wallet to credit when a Card Pre-Auth is made |
destination.wallet.config.postilion.pac | Wallet to credit when a Card Purchase/Auth Completion is made |
destination.wallet.config.postilion.pwc | Wallet to credit when a Card Cashback transaction is made |
destination.wallet.config.postilion.chb | Wallet to credit when a Card Cashback without purchase is made |
destination.wallet.config.postilion.cad | Wallet to credit when a Card Cash Advance is made |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.cwd | Wallet to credit with fees when an ATM Cash Withdrawal [04] transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.pur | Wallet to credit with fees when a Purchase (.pur) transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.pra | Wallet to credit with fees when a Pre-Auth (.pra) transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.pwc | Wallet to credit with fees when a Purchase with cashback [11] (.pwc) transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.chb | Wallet to credit with fees when a Cashback without purchase [08] (.chb) transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.cad | Wallet to credit with fees when a Cash Advance [03] (.cad) transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.pac | Wallet to credit with fees when a Purchase/Auth Completion transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.ref | Wallet to credit with fees when a Refund (.ref) transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.bai | Wallet to credit with fees when a Balance Enquiry ATM (.bai) transaction is done |
fees.wallet.config.postilion.markupfee | Wallet to credit with fees when a international card transaction is done |
Updated 14 days ago