Accountable Institutions
As well as being a multi-tenanted platform, Eclipse can be configured as a white labelled service offering where multiple tenants can be grouped under an accountable institution. Administrators of that accountable institution can create, administer and support all tenants within their institution. Certain assets can be also be custom branded e.g. the Admin Portal and email communications.
In this scenario tenants and admin users are created under an institution. Admin users created under an institution have the same capabilities as an EFT Corporation global user but can only administer the tenants owned by that accountable institution.
In this way institution administrators can perform all the relevant tasks needed to support their tenants while enjoying the scalability, availability and simplicity of the shared Eclipse cloud native SaaS platform.
Create a Tenant under an Institution
To create a tenant under an institution you need to set the institution field when calling the create tenant endpoint:
POST /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants
"companyNumber": "DT1234",
"email": "[email protected]",
"industrialClassification": "icc",
"industrialSector": "iss",
"institution": "ONSA",
"name": "Test ",
"phone1": "9222913437",
"taxNumber": "T0385848",
"tradingName": "Tests"
"companyNumber": "DT1234",
"email": "[email protected]",
"industrialClassification": "icc",
"industrialSector": "iss",
"institution": "ONSA",
"name": "Test ",
"phone1": "9222913437",
"taxNumber": "T0385848",
"tradingName": "Tests",
"version": 0
Create Institution Admin user
To create an institution admin user you need to set the institution field and specify an institution role in the role field when calling the create admin user endpoint:
POST URL: {baseURL}/rest/v1/global/admin-users
Content-Type: application/json
"email": "[email protected]",
"identity": "user1",
"institution": "ONSA",
"lastName": "Eftcorp",
"password": sadmsdsla#@#@",
"phone1": "9494949494",
"adminUserId": 1,
"email": "[email protected]",
"identity": "user1",
"institution": "ONSA",
"lastName": "Eftcorp",
"phone1": "9494949494",
Institution roles mirror EFT Corporation global roles but at an institution level:
This can be done in the Eclipse Admin Portal by INSTITUTION_ADMIN users:

Add Institution Users in the Eclipse Admin Portal
Updated about 1 month ago