Voucher Advanced Configuration

The Voucher Portal offers advanced configuration options to restrict vouchers to specific merchants and apply discounts to voucher purchases.

Voucher Programme Advanced Configuration

The advanced configuration is accessible when creating a new voucher programme or editing an existing one.

The advanced configuration settings can then be adjusted through the interface.

Allowed Merchant Identity Numbers

The Allowed Merchant Identity Numbers setting allows users to specify which merchants can redeem the voucher. This is based on the merchant identity number registered on Scan to Pay. The restriction is applied to the wallet type supporting the voucher programme.

Allowed Merchant Categories

The Allowed Merchant Categories setting allows users to define merchant categories eligible for voucher redemption. This restriction is based on the merchant category code and applies at the wallet type level.

Voucher Information Message

The Voucher Information Message defines the message displayed to end users when they receive or purchase the voucher.

Voucher Discount

The Voucher Discount defines the discount applied to the purchase of a voucher.

The fund flow for balancing a voucher discount follows the logic below. The example illustrates a R150.00 voucher with a 25% discount, meaning the user pays R112.50.

Card paymentR112.50Voucher Tenant Wallet- R112.50
Voucher Tenant Wallet- R112.50Voucher Provisioning Wallet- R112.50
Voucher Provisioning Wallet- R150.00Voucher wallet- R150.00