Tenant Use Cases

Create a Tenant

All APIs on Eclipse are called on behalf of a tenant. Either by the tenant itself (tenant admin users) or customers belonging to the tenant. The first step in using Eclipse is to onboard as a tenant. This is done by EFT Corporation staff. If you would like to have a tenant created on Sandbox, then please ask your account manager to do so. This is a quick process, and you will be provided with an administration username and password and your tenant id.

Depending on requirements, the sandbox tenant will be created with the necessary system wallets and configuration to support the scenarios being implemented.

Set up Admin Users within the Tenant

It may be necessary to set up additional users (or API clients) within your tenant so that your APIs and employees can access the Eclipse API or Admin portal. To set up an admin user within the Tenant, create an admin user with a POST:


A valid bearer token for the system identity

Step 1 - Create profile for tenant admin user

POST /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/admin-users

Pass the relevant details of the employee

This adds the user which can then itself authenticate against the Eclipse API. This can also be done in Eclipse Admin Portal, refer to Adding new Admin Users in the Admin Portal guide for more details.

Create an Initial Wallet Type

The behaviour and functionality of wallets are determined by the wallet type. This is like a template for creating wallets. In order for tenants to create wallets, there must be at least one wallet type to specify how the wallets will behave. In Sandbox, it's normally adequate to create a closed loop digital wallet type with a single attribute “Currency” and value “ZAR”.

These wallets allow a minimum balance of 0 with no credit limit.


A valid bearer token for the system identity

Step 1 – Create Wallet Type

POST /eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/{tenantId}/wallet-types

Wallets in Eclipse are very powerful and customisable through plugins and extensions - if any specific use case is needed by a tenant, then please discuss this with the Eclipse team.



When your tenant is created on sandbox a set of default wallet types are created.

Wallet Type Configuration Parameters

Please refer to the section at Wallet Type Configuration