Tenant Integrations
This will be tenant specific integration which can be implemented with use of integrationIdentifier end point and it has request and response in JSON string.
For example if specific tenant wanted to create a merchant on masterpass then they can use this end point as this requirement is tenant specific and not a generic across all tenant hence it has been implemented under this end point and similarly more integrations can be added as on request.
Create Masterpass Merchant for tenant
Any tenant wanted to create a masterpass merchant can use below end point
It will require below information
- masterpass.config.apiPspUser
- masterpass.config.apiPspPassword
- masterpass.config.apiUrl
API :: http://localhost:8080/eclipse-conductor/rest/v1/tenants/2/integrations/MasterpassMerchantCreate
Tenant Id :: 2
IntegrationIdentifier :: MasterpassMerchantCreate
"{\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"merchantName\":\"Merchant007\",\"acquirer\":\"SBSA\",\"cardAcceptorTerminalId\":\"98000686\",\"cardAcceptorIdentificationCode\":\"000000001007970\",\"cardAcceptorNameLocation\":\"ZA\",\"merchantCategoryCode\":\"5812\",\"acceptedCards\":[\"master\",\"visa\"],\"addressLine1\":\"BSquare1\",\"addressLine2\":\"Iscon-AmbliRoad\",\"suburb\":\"Gujarat\",\"city\":\"Ahmedabad\",\"country\":\"India\",\"postalCode\":\"321654\",\"latitude\":23.022505,\"longitude\":72.571365}"
"merchantId": 192941,
"email": "[email protected]",
"merchantName": "Merchant007",
"addressLine1": "BSquare 1",
"addressLine2": "Iscon-Ambli Road",
"suburb": "Gujarat",
"city": "Ahmedabad",
"country": "India",
"postalCode": "321654",
"latitude": 23.022505,
"longitude": 72.571365,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"merchantCategoryCode": 5812,
"cardAcceptorTerminalId": "98000686",
"cardAcceptorIdentificationCode": "000000001007970",
"cardAcceptorNameLocation": "ZA",
"acquirer": "SBSA"
Get Iproov Token
To get verification token for iProov SDK.Retrieves a verification token to start video streaming via iProov SDK.Allowed only for profile created by Partner with the following property values:
KYC status = PENDING
KYC state = IPROOV
KYC level = BASIC
Request body
{"customerId": 878,"provider":"CSN"}
Response body:{
Updated about 2 years ago