This API reference details all the API calls for the open, feature-rich digital wallet and card-issuing Eclipse platform.
To start calling the APIs you first need to authenticate by creating a JSON Web Token for authentication
Step 1: User Name and Password
At a minimum, you will need to populate the identity and password parameters in this API call with the credentials that you would have received when onboarded to the Eclipse sandbox.

Add Username and Password
Step 2: Generate Bearer Token
Once username and passwords have been filled, initiate the API by clicking on the Try It button

The response to this call will include a bearer token:
"headerName": "Authorization",
"headerValue": "Bearer eyJraWQiOiIxIiwiYWxnIjoiUFMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiI1OTg3LWFwaS11c2VyLTAiLCJzcmMiOiJBdXRoLVAiLCJjaCI6IlpURUJ0cEtkdU8iLCJyb2xlcyI6IiIsInNlc3MiOiI2Nzk2ZjQyMS00NDdkLTQyNjQtYTJiNi00ZTMwZDU3ZTM5MzYiLCJpcCI6IjEwMi4yMjAuOS43NCIsImlzcyI6Imh0dHA6XC9cL2VjbGlwc2UtamF2YS1zYW5kYm94LnVraGVzaGUucm9ja3MiLCJsb2NhbGUiOiJlbi1VUyIsInVpZCI6Mjk0NDUsInBvcyI6W3sibyI6NTk4NywiZCI6MCwicCI6IlRFTkFOVF9TWVNURU0ifV0sImV4cCI6MTY2NTUwMzI3NiwiaWF0IjoxNjY1NTAyMzc2LCJ0ZW5hbnQiOjU5ODd9.eTsOJIVcx311EDZN4iFlyZJE1TCcDaKFR8nKlwWgseqDsbqB9v72IF4DYEt3eMaSOUt62_iWT3q6Yuj6OXcH9HwJ0hc-tvxa5nby4iz1Wc9OTEayKOxBq7-BNif-4oIWhynw-d_8emEKEZxlCkfeoPJLwCQBAFOBPUD8yEoRp66pb87ARLV3HlYIab4_BNTovC8ue6oZqW5lhdxEZqNyfQcX7kc5xqASlDHlMd55mzdCiDFwVrijOez5DE_nZFD-2mqGrAV3DDsH_6gQH8dUK9kSJeRKIm8XqmrHp23Ag_TD83tY8-Ik97T_bAVxOmMwhu7KuHyreOlCKxF6mkZs-Q",
"sessionId": "6796f421-447d-4264-a2b6-4e30d57e3936",
"tenantId": 5987,
"expires": "2022-10-11T15:47:56.488Z",
"roles": [],
"expiresEpochSecs": 1665503276
Step 3: Calling API Calls
This token needs to be copied and pasted into the Bearer token field for any of the API calls. And then you are ready to start calling the APIs!
This token will be saved and populated across all API calls for the rest of your session.